Live Art Painting
Live Art Painting in recent years, live events have witnessed a unique form of artistic expression emerging from the crowd. Gone are the days when visual art was confined to galleries and studios. Now, artists armed with their brushes and palettes take center stage at concerts, festivals, and sporting events, capturing the essence of the moment through vibrant strokes of acrylic paint.
Natural Earth Pigments
Natural earth pigments have been used by humans for thousands of years to create stunning works of art. These pigments, derived from minerals found in the earth, possess a rich and diverse range of colors. From warm ochres and deep siennas to vibrant umbers and serene umbral tones, each pigment carries with it a unique story of its formation and composition. Made from the very essence of the earth itself, these natural pigments not only add depth and character to artwork but also connect us to the ancient roots of human creativity. With their timeless beauty and enduring qualities, natural earth pigments continue to inspire artists to this day.
Capturing the Moment
Being able to find the right moment at an event to capture is one of the most important parts of being a Live Art Painter. We take pride in knowing that we can capture that moment for you.
Endless Possibilities
As an artist in the 21st century I aspire to be able to show others there is an alternative to the harsh plastics and chemicals we use everyday. All the materials I use are made from plants, and various earth minerals. I use natural earth pigments, and a plant based acrylic binder on hand stretched hemp canvas. Leaving you with a memorable piece of fine art. In addition to being an intriguing form of expression, live acrylic painting also serves as a form of entertainment within itself.